Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Hangar One Vodka Tour for Four

Without a doubt. Most vodkas begin as a big industrial column still of fermented wheat that is cranked out by thousands of gallons a minute. Add to that, an occasional bit of flavored fruit extract - end of story.

Our method is different. We start by distilling fresh fruit on the same day it’s picked. Sometimes we work through the night so that the flavor we capture in our still represents the fruit at its most thrilling moment. We make an eau de vie, using centuries-old European methods, in a copper still.

Every bottle of vodka we make begins the same way. Fresh, in-season fruit from farmers we know by first name. Craft distillation by hand, in small batches. When something’s made like this, with love, you can always taste the difference.

Your tour will give your group an overview of craft distillation and artisanal spirits, with a chance to view our stills, fermentation tanks, barrel storage, and bottling line.

Value: $60
Starting Bid: $30

For more information: